Global Payroll Advisory

The Advantages of Global Payroll Outsourcing Providers

Published on 24 May 2022

The modern workforce is always connected and on the move. This means payroll, once a fixed process tied to a specific location, must also become agile — to be a process more easily tailored to meet each employee's needs and expectations. Nowhere is this transformation more important than in global mobility.


Global mobility opens organisations up to immense new markets, talent pools, and growth opportunities. However, it also presents several multifaceted challenges — from cultural diversity of employees and increased risk exposure to greater expense management demands. These challenges are compelling many organisations to rethink their payroll function and HR operating strategy and model. How can the payroll function go beyond compliance and payslips to add value to the business and deliver a superior employee experience? This is where outsourcing your global payroll comes in.


Global payroll outsourcing is a powerful solution to extremely complex pain points and to summarize its importance would be an overreach. In this blog post, we filter down three main advantages for any HR leader searching for a global payroll outsourcing partner and how to account for the complexities that come with filling a payroll function in this digital age.


Changes create opportunities. While traditionalists pigeonhole payroll management as being a function of operations, having the right outsourcing partner with the right technology and tools can transform that key task into a function that better manages costs and human resources.

Here are three advantages to engaging a global payroll outsourcing partner for your company's unique requirements:

  1. A proactive approach to compliance to local regulations

The complexity of managing an international payroll is compounded by the need to comply to regulations on a local level. Laws vary from country to country making adherence a confusing and time-consuming process. Global payroll outsourcing providers proactively ensures compliance in every country by looking for any new statutory developments and updating operational practices. They also reduce a corporation’s reliance on in-house legal support as a global payroll outsourcing provider’s own legal team would have already reviewed the changes and made recommendations.


  1. Reducing complications related to staffing

As corporations extend their global reach, functions such as HR and payroll processing are replicated across all countries. By transferring these functions to a global payroll outsourcing provider, corporations can perform them using a centralised source, thus helping to reduce the need to replicate such departments at each location. This not only provides a more accurate and up to date picture of the current manpower situation but also provides savings by optimising staffing levels.


  1. Data security

In an increasingly connected world, data security is of paramount importance and increasingly difficult to manage when it is shared across a workforce spanning multiple countries. By moving from a multi-country system to a single global payroll outsourcing provider, corporations can obtain end-to-end security by fencing in sensitive data and reducing the need for multiple database entry and exit points.


While there remain many other variables to the success a corporation can achieve in each country, centralising payroll functions with a single global payroll outsourcing provider allows for the creation of a seamless employee experience across all subsidiaries.


Check out our global payroll services here at OS HRS with customisable, end-to-end solutions you can employ in your multi-national enterprise! Contact us today.

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