HR Technology

Benefits of Human Resource Information System (HRIS)

Published on 16 Mar 2023

Have you adopted HRIS at your organisation?

If you haven’t turned to technology in your Human Resource management, you are missing out. HR Tech has grown leaps and bounds over the last few years, with many new features and processes being addressed across the entire scope of HR. Be it from recruitment, to onboarding, learning and development and employee engagement, HR tech has been working hard to provide a comprehensive solution.


Human Resource Information System, or HRIS, is a software package that is a combination of multiple systems and HR processes. This means that you don’t have to swap between different applications to get what you need. It addresses the end-to-end basic functions of human resource management, and innovation means various bells and whistles have been added to further enhance productivity for your HR team.


Besides productivity, here are some key benefits of a Human Resource Information System:


1.       Managing employee data

Since everything is digital, this is an obvious benefit. Not only does this save time, effort and money since your employee information is organised into a singular, secure database. Further, having access to digital employee records means that you are able to streamline and automate many of the repetitive, time-consuming HR tasks. Bonus – having an HRIS means that you can usually delegate the maintenance of employee data to the employee itself through employee self-service.

2.       Analysing your employee data

Now that you have your data digitalised and in one place, you can truly benefit from it by running data analysis. Analysing your people data allows you to get a deeper understanding of the unique trends in your company in order to make more informed decisions, be it across HR policy, benefits, retention strategies and more.

3.       Moving HR from a back-office function to a core business strategic function

Automating your nitty gritty, repetitive processes frees up your seasoned HR professionals to focus on what truly matters – your people. Further, being able to leverage employee data insights empowers your HR leaders at the executive table to make convincing and important contributions to the company’s business strategy and therefore it’s overall success.


These are just some of the main benefits of adopting HRIS, but we believe they are convincing enough on their own to jump onboard. Obviously, there are many different competitors on the market, and each have their own capabilities, applications and functions depending on which problems in HR they are focused on solving. In choosing the right HRIS for your company, you need to be able to define your company’s unique requirements first, and then find the solution that is right for you.

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