
Last updated on April 11th, 2022

Country Overview



Payroll cycle 

Monthly, 13th salary paid on Lunar New Year or the end of the year 

Employer Contributions

SI,HI,UI - 17.5%,3%,1%

Minimum wage 

3,250,000 VND to 4,680,000 VND 

Working hours  

Maximum 8 hours a day, 48 hours a week 

Latest HR Statutory Updates

JULY 2024

  • Increase in the Base Salary and the Regional Minimum Wages

APRIL 2024

  • Official Dispatch proposing to swap working days on the occasion of Victory Day, April 30, and International Labor Day, May 1

JULY 2023

  • Increase in the salary cap for Insurance contribution

JUNE 2023

  • Monthly funeral allowance and survivorship allowance

MAY 2023

  • No Statutory Updates

APRIL 2023

  • No Statutory Updates

MARCH 2023

  • No Statutory Updates


  • No Statutory Updates


  • No Statutory Updates


  • No Statutory Updates


  • No Statutory Updates


  • No Statutory Updates


  • Increase the Retirement Age of Employees in 2023

  • The Rate of Payment of Compulsory Social Insurance, Unemployment Insurance and Health Insurance from October 1, 2022


  • No Statutory Updates

JULY 2022

  • No Statutory Updates

JUNE 2022

  • Increase The Maximum Unemployment Benefit from July

  • Regional Minimum Wage to Increase Starting in July

MAY 2022

  • No Statutory Updates

APRIL 2022

  • No Statutory Updates

MARCH 2022

  • No Statutory Updates


  • No Statutory Updates


  • No Statutory Updates


  • No Statutory Updates


  • Increase retirement age in 2022


  • No Statutory Updates


  • Changes in rate of Compulsory Social Insurance, Unemployment Insurance, Health Insurance from October 1, 2021

  • Changes in rate of Compulsory social insurance, unemployment insurance, health insurance from July 1, 2022- for enterprises operating in occupations with high risks of occupational accidents and diseases


  • No Statutory Updates

JULY 2021

  • Changes in rate of contribution to Social Insurance – Labour Accident and Occupational Disease

JUNE 2021

  • No Statutory Updates

MAY 2021

  • From May 15, the employees participating in unemployment insurance are supported with vocational training

  • Vietnam Social Security News Gross payment of pension and social insurance allowance in May and June of 2021 for COVID-19 prevention

APRIL 2021

  • No Statutory Updates

MARCH 2021

  • The Vietnam’s Social Insurance industry to issue the new model health insurance card from April 1, 2021


  • In 03 cases, individuals are entitled to PIT refund

  • New: 1,838 occupations, the job is retired before the age

  • A series of new policies on Labor – Salary from February 1, 2021

  • The adjusted salary level for calculating social insurance payment applies from 01/01/2021

  • People who retire before January 1, 2021 are entitled to an increase in their pension

  • Public Holidays


  • 2021 Leave: Workers need to know these things


  • Bonus Tet, Lunar New Year 2021: Answering 06 questions

  • Officially change the concept of ’employee, labor contract’ from 01/01/2021

  • Labor policy – salary, social insurance, health insurance takes effect from 01/01/2021

  • Employee’s Overtime Consent form as per Decree 145/2020/ND-CP

  • Income calculated for payment and excluding compulsory social insurance contributions in 2021

  • There is a Law on Vietnamese workers working abroad under contracts 2020

  • 8 new rules that employees need to know before signing a labor contract from 2021


  • 05 new policies on employee’s salary will be applied from 01/01/2021

  • 03 new policies on compulsory social insurance and health insurance will be applied from 2021

  • 05 provisions to know about employees’ employment contracts

  • From 01/01/2021, employees can lose their jobs immediately if they commit the following mistakes

  • The rate of payment of compulsory social insurance, unemployment insurance and health insurance premium in 2021 for employees

  • From 2021, when paying full 20 years of social insurance, how much pension / month?


  • 05 groups of subjects that are required to participate in health insurance 2021

  • Conditions for entitlement and pension entitlement to 2021 employees need to know

  • Modifications to the workers’ income to be applied from 2021

  • Salary policy 2021 of cadres, civil servants, public employees and employees

  • 04 cases are signed multiple times the labor contract with definite term from 2021

  • New points about the annual leave, holidays, private affairs of employees from 2021

  • Salary for calculating compulsory social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance

  • New: How to calculate monthly pension from 01/01/2021


  • The time limit for notification before unilaterally terminating a labor contract is from 01/01/2021

  • 02 cases where the employee is entitled to retire before the age of up to 10 years from 01/01/2021

  • Many important changes in policies on social insurance and health insurance since January 1, 2021

  • 13 cases of labor contract termination applied from 01/01/2021

  • In 05 cases, employees need to know about one-time social insurance

  • To strictly strengthen occupational safety from October 2020

  • 56 New Regulations Apply from January 1, 2021 that Businesses and Employees Need to Know

  • Compulsory Social Insurance (Section 1. Sickness Regime)


  • Holiday Calendar for National Day 02/9, 2020

  • Increase in Minimum Wage Base Postponed

  • 12 New Points About Working and Resting Hours from 01/01/2021 Employees Need to Know

  • 10 Cases Where The Employee is Entitled to Take Leave and Enjoy the Full Salary from 2021

  • 10 Compulsory Contents in the Labor Contract from 01/01/2021

  • 08 New Points About the Labor Discipline from 01/01/2021 Enterprises, Employees Need to Know

  • The List of Occupations and Jobs Retired Before the Age of Up To 5 Years

  • Strictly Increasing Labor Safety from October 2020

  • Salary, Bonus and Annual Leave of Employees From 2021

  • How to Look Up an Employee’s Retirement Year Is Based on The Year of Birth From 2021

  • Continuing the Suspension of Contributions to The Retirement and Survivorship Fund Until the End Of 2020

  • Payment of Maternity Benefit: In Case Postponing Payment of Contributions to Retirement and Survivor Benefit Funds in Covid-19 Pandemic

  • Add Replaceable Documents in Your Unemployment Insurance Claim

  • Conditions and Levels of Support for Labor Rehabilitation Expenses from September 15, 2020

  • Adjusting the Maximum Level of Support in Occupational Medical Examination And Treatment

  • New Decree Issued by The Government Giving Guidance on Occupational Accident and Disease Insurance

  • Change of Employee’s Pension Entitlement Level From 01/01/2021

JULY 2020

  • Changes to Overtime Cap as of 1 January 2021

  • Changes to Retirement Ages as of 1 January 2021

  • Allowances, benefits, bonuses are not subject to PIT

  • Five points to note when signing labor contracts under Decree 68/2000 / ND-CP

  • 10 new points on salaries and bonuses from 2021 employees need to know

  • The method of calculating compulsory social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance premium must be paid monthly

JUNE 2020

  • Increased Family Circumstance Deductions

  • Increase in Minimum Wage Base

  • Increased Family Circumstance Deductions

  • Changes in rate of contribution to Social Insurance- Labour Accident and Occupational Disease

  • Guidelines Relating to Changes in Rate of Contribution to Social Insurance- Labour Accident and Occupational Disease

MAY 2020

  • No Statutory Updates

APRIL 2020

  • Applying labour laws during COVID-19 outbreak

  • Temporary suspension of contribution to the retirement fund etc. if COVID-19 epidemic will not be in remission by the end of June 2020

  • Dossiers and procedures for tax payment extension due to COVID-19 effect

  • Employees temporarily suspending labour contracts or taking leave without pay to be supported

  • Holiday 30/4 and 01/5 2020 holiday for employees

MARCH 2020

  • No Statutory Updates


  • Vietnam Updated Labor Code No. 45/2019/QH14


  • No Statutory Updates

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